


2022-02-01 - 2024-06-30

Finance Manager

Finance Manager is a versatile mobile app built with Flutter that puts you in control of your financial life. It allows you to manage accounts, transactions, categories, payees, and debts effortlessly. You can also connect external banks to import transactions, and the app employs simple AI for automatic categorization and payee sorting. With a beautiful design and detailed statistics, it's your ultimate personal finance companion.

Technologies used in this project

  • Dart
  • Redis
  • Flutter
  • Swift
  • Kotlin
  • Google Cloud
  • Git

Insights on Project

Account, Transaction and Debt Management
Account, Transaction and Debt Management

Finance Manager simplifies managing your financial accounts and transactions. It enables you to create, read, update, and delete accounts, making it easy to keep track of your financial assets.It empowers you to stay on top of your debts. You can monitor, record, and manage debts efficiently, ensuring you never lose sight of financial obligations.

Category and Payee Control
Category and Payee Control

The app allows you to manage categories and payees, providing an organized way to classify and track your expenses. This functionality streamlines your financial management process.

Detailed Statistics
Detailed Statistics

To provide valuable insights into your financial situation, Finance Manager offers comprehensive statistics. You can analyze your finances based on various parameters, gaining a deeper understanding of your financial patterns.

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